Archdiocese of Detroit Standards

Catholic Schools are not required to adopt the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in part or in whole. However, as with any theory or plan for educating children, we are examining our own alignment of content and when we are teaching that content.

If the schools are not required to participate in State Testing, what measures are being used to assess student performance? The Archdiocese of Detroit uses nationally normed tests such as the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS), SAT, and ACT, additionally, schools use criterion referenced tests and teacher designed assessments. Outside evaluators affirm that through these nationally respected assessments our students demonstrate continuous growth in academic achievement.

Catholic identity must and does permeate the curriculum guidelines, the instruction, and assessments. Curriculum guidelines provide a template for teachers to provide instruction, and assessments demonstrate that learners have achieved unsurpassed academic success. A process of continuous improvement ensures that curriculum guidelines are regularly examined and updated or revised where needed, that teachers use assessment results to improve teaching, that students are provided with learning opportunities at levels that challenge and support each one’s academic achievement, and that leadership provides vision, direction, and supervision.

Archdiocese of Detroit students, teachers, and schools are held to a high standard of continuous improvement by a variety of assessment tools, agencies and internal inspection. Catholic schools are not governed by state agencies and are not assessed by them. We will continue to ensure that the education provided by Detroit Archdiocese schools prepares our students to be personally successful, demonstrate complete personal development and experience unsurpassed academic achievement.

Michigan Association of Non-Public Schools

National Catholic Education Association