Support for persons experiencing same-sex attraction

“Friendship with God constitutes our ultimate end. The ministry of the Church to persons with a homosexual inclination must always have the overriding aim of fostering the greatest possible friendship with God.”
– U.S. Bishops, 2006


You don't have to make this journey alone

Courage offers spiritual-based support groups to help men and women who experience same-sex attraction and who have made a commitment to strive for chastity. They are inspired by the Gospel call to holiness and the Catholic Church's beautiful teachings about the goodness and inherent purpose of human sexuality..

The cornerstone of Courage is a program of five goals and twelve steps. Coupled with fellowship and sharing of personal experiences, these steps can aid in spiritual growth.

Courage provides confidential, welcoming, and informative support for men and women experiencing same-sex attraction. Please join us.


Courage believes that with human support and God's help:

  • Persons experiencing same-sex attraction can follow Jesus Christ according to Roman Catholic spiritual and moral teaching.
  • It is possible to experience same-sex attraction and live a chaste and productive life.
  • Persons experiencing same-sex attraction can develop an assured grace-filled understanding of themselves while growing into their true identities as mature men and women.
  • Homosexual attraction or feelings are not a sin; however, homosexual acts are immoral and do not lead to a deeper life in Christ.
  • A person’s dignity does not depend upon his or her sexual attractions but upon his or her relationship to Jesus Christ.
  • Homosexual desires are not usually a person’s choice.
  • Men and women who experience same-sex attraction can lead chaste lives. Chastity, made possible by Christ’s redemption, is a liberating virtue and a source of joy and human freedom.


Contact us confidentially

Courage provides confidential, welcoming, and informative support for men and women experiencing same sex attraction. Please join us.

Call: 313-237-5900

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