Major differences:
- Celibacy is not required of clergy
- Permit the ordination of women*
- Eucharist is open to all baptized Christians and is offered in both bread and wine
- Democratic structure of the church
- Prayers to the saints is not common, but they are recognized and commemorated
- The diocese is the primary unit of governance
They believe in:
- Scripture as the revealed Word of God
- The historical creeds of the Church (the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed) as sufficient statements of Christian belief
- The celebration of the seven sacraments with special emphasis on Baptism and Eucharist
- The use of Scripture, Church tradition, and reason in matters of belief and practice
- The apostolic ministry of bishops, priests and deacons in the life of teaching and service in the Church
- The "Branch Theory": an understanding that the Church of Christ is present in different "branches" such as the Roman, the Orthodox, the Anglican, all of whom are considered "Catholic"
- The Trinity....three persons in one God
- That Jesus Christ is fully human, and fully divine
- Salvation by faith not good works
There are different branches of Episcopalians with varying understandings of Eucharistic theology.
Catechesis required:
- Ecclesiology including:
- justification by faith and good works
- church as Body of Christ
- church as community
- church is one, holy, catholic and apostolic
- hierarchical structure of the universal Church and authority in the Church
- infallibility
- Communion of Saints, Mary and the Saints
- Eucharistic theology - our understanding of:
- Transubstantiation
- Real Presence
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
- Eucharist as the sacrament of unity
- Holy Orders and Marriage
Also necessary for them to become part of the community and to participate with the community in its missionary activities.
*Some Episcopalians (Anglicans) do not recognize women bishops. The recent election of a woman as presiding bishop in the Episcopal Church has caused much friction. Many Episcopalians interested in becoming Catholic may be coming from a more conservative or traditional mindset.