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How much money has the Archdiocese put into the St. John's complex?
Between 1994 and 2006, the Archdiocese invested approximately $30 million in renovations and construction to repurpose the former seminary into a conference and retreat center. The investments have continued to grow, and a recent estimated value of the properties exceeded $50 million.
The Archdiocese allocated an additional $25.3 million from its reopening in 1996 through 2009 to operate several youth and family ministries from St. John's as well as to operate the Retreat Center. At various times, about 30 archdiocesan Central Services staff members were based at St. John's, including personnel engaged in family life ministries such as marriage preparation and support.
No archdiocesan funds were used to construct or operate The Inn at St. John's and no archdiocesan funds are supporting conference center or golf course operations.
The Archdiocese continues to support a Catholic wedding ministry at St. John's as well as regular use of the St. John's chapel for Sunday evening Mass and other events.