Major differences:
- Authority in the Church
- The way a person is saved
- Eucharist...the Presence of Jesus is added to the Bread and Wine during the celebration but does not remain after the celebration is complete
- Have some understanding of Confession, but do not consider it sacramental
- The Bible alone is the source of doctrine
- Faith in Christ is the only way to obtain personal salvation
- Reject prayer to Mary and saints as well use of icons and images
- Reject the notion of Purgatory, but have recently included prayers for the dead in their prayerbooks (ELCA)
- Their ministers may marry
- Women can be ordained (in ECLA)
- Divorce is tragic but sometimes the best option
- Accept remarriage
They believe in:
- Apostles' Creed, Nicene Creed, Athanasian Creed, Augsburg confession, Formula of Concord
- Trinity
- Christ is truly human and truly divine
There are two main branches of Lutheranism in the U.S.:
- Evangelical Lutheran Church in America [ECLA]
- Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod [LCMS] - tends to be more fundamentalist
Catechesis required:
- Ecclesiology including:
- justification by faith and good works
- church as Body of Christ
- church as community
- church is one, holy, catholic and apostolic
- hierarchical structure of the Church ... and authority in the Church
- infallibility
- Communion of Saints, Mary and the Saints
- Eucharistic theology ...our understanding of:
- Transubstantiation
- Real Presence
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
- Holy Orders and Marriage
Also necessary for them to become part of the community and to participate with the community in its missionary activities.