
May the celebration of a parish's patronal feast be transferred to Sunday when the feast occurs during the week?

A parish patron's or title's feast day and the parish church's anniversary of dedication are celebrated as solemnities in the parish. The anniversary of the church's dedication and the solemnity of the patron or title of a church may be transferred to all Masses of a Sunday if:

  • the Sunday is in Ordinary Time
  • and the anniversary of dedication is of a particular church
  • or the solemnity is of the principal patron of a specific place or of the title of a particular church.

It may not be transferred if:

  • the transfer would be to a Sunday of Advent, Lent, or the Easter season,
  • or to a Sunday on which any solemnity of the Lord, of Mary, or of the saints listed in the General Calendar, is celebrated.
  • or if the celebration involves the anniversary of the dedication of the cathedral church or the patron of a region or nation or a secondary patron.