Perceptions of the Faithful Report

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Executive Summary

The Perceptions of the Faithful survey marks the first time parishioners have been asked to evaluate current planning efforts related to these mission priorities. The survey allowed for the collection of large amounts of data that will inform future planning efforts in the Archdiocese, vicariates, and parishes.

The following summarizes key findings of the survey. Individuals, parish and vicariate leaders, and archdiocesan central services staff are all called to carefully consider what the results mean for their work and lives as Catholics.

Key Findings:

  • The survey mostly attracted highly active Catholics.
  • Respondents view their parish positively.
  • Most respondents are not aware of the role of the archdiocesan central services.
  • Of the seven mission priorities, Vocations and Youth and Young Adults were the biggest concern for the future.
  • Reaching out to inactive and non-Catholics was also a concern.
  • While only a small group of college age (18-25) adults participated in the survey, those that did are very involved in parish life and ministries.
  • The parish bulletin is the most used type of communication.
  • Use of online media or communications could be improved at all levels.
  • Quality worship, strong Church teachings, and convenient Mass times are what respondents look for when selecting a parish.
  • Teens (13-17) and college-age adults (18-25) look for more programs and activities when selecting a parish.
  • Respondents value all that pastors provide for a parish, emphasizing the importance of good pastoral leadership