
USCCB Pornography United States Conference of Catholic Bishops web site on pornography that has three sets of audio talks by experts to better understand the destructiveness of pornography and how to combat it.

  • Patrick Trueman, President and CEO of Morality in the Media
    "The Pornography Pandemic: A Message to Catholics"
    Part One | Part Two
  • Bruce and Jeanne Hanneman, Founders of Elizabeth Ministry International
    "Reclaim Sexual Health - Combining Science and Spirituality to Overcome Pornography"
    Part One | Part Two
  • Peter C. Kleponis, Ph.D., LPC, NCC
    "Fighting Porn in Our Culture...and Winning!"
    Part One | Part Two

Crossing the Goal Ministries  Crossing the Goal Ministries (CTG) was created as an outreach ministry to men concerning their spiritual well-being, by providing resources, adapted solely for men that would challenge them to become spiritually fit as husbands, fathers, and disciples of Jesus Christ. They have created Crossing the Goal, a television show on EWTN Global Catholic Network that uses a sports show format to encourage men to get into spiritual shape.

  • The Porn Trap and Road Back From Porn are back to back Crossing the Goal televisionepisodes featuring special guest Peter C. Kleponis, Ph.D., Catholic therapist who specializes in pornography addiction. In a straight forward fashion Dr. Kleponis and the panel of hosts discusses the epidemic problem of pornography, particularly with men, the devastation that it brings to marriages and families, and how to begin the road back to sexual purity with others and God’s help. An excellent, hold nothing back, talk by men for men.

The Women of Grace The Women of Grace television program discusses contemporary issues from a Catholic perspective and affirms women in their dignity as daughters of God and their gift of authentic femininity.

  • Porn and Its Addictive Reality Peter C. Kleponis, Ph.D., LPC, NCC discusses from a Catholic understanding: What makes porn so highly addictive? What are its devastating effects on the user? On the user’s view of the human person? On his marriage? His job? His soul?
  • The Addiction of Our Time Peter C. Kleponis, Ph.D., LPC, NCC discusses how the insidious effect of pornographic use ruins careers, marriages, self-worth, and lives, and why there is hope for the addict and his family.