Video Podcasts

Fr. Mike Schmitz - Love and Same Sex Attraction

Fr. Mike Schmitz presents a talk about those who experience same-sex attraction, that they belong to the Church, and inviting them to know God’s unconditional love and the truth of their eternal destiny as beloved son’s and daughter’s of God.

Jason Evert - Love and Same Sex Attraction

Jason Evert presents a dynamic, compelling talk about what the church teaches about homosexuality and what it means to extend God’s unconditional love and accompany those in truth who experience same-sex attraction. The audience is youth and young adults but helpful for any age audience.

Mary Bielski - Love and Same Sex Attraction

Mary Bielski presents an informative, engaging talk about what the church teaches about homosexuality, theology of the body understanding, and how to extend the truth of God’s unconditional love to those who experience same-sex attraction. The audience is youth and young adults but helpful for any age audience.

Franciscan University Presents: Clarity, Charity, and Homosexuality

A deeper theological and pastoral panel discussion with Fr. Paul Check, former Executive Director of Courage International, to clarify the Church's role in ministering to those experiencing same-sex attraction and their fundamental identity as a child of God.