What information is used in the interview process?

The result of a procedure seeking a declaration of nullity rests largely on the information provided by the spouses and on witnesses who know facts concerning the relationship. The petitioner is expected to supply the names and addresses of at least five people who can act as witnesses. These people may be family, friends, or acquaintances who can identify the significant problems in the dating, courtship, and years of common life.

The respondent can also offer witnesses and other information. It is expected that the one who presents the names of witnesses will have secured their cooperation before submitting the names to the tribunal. The tribunal must hear from witnesses. A case is unable to proceed without them. Witnesses are important for an objective evaluation of the marriage relationship. The best witnesses are those who can provide facts regarding the onset of problems in the relationship. If the information they provide proves insufficient, the tribunal will have to request additional witnesses. Witnesses are asked a number of questions detailing their knowledge of the marriage and the spouses.

Questions are asked about specific events in the courtship and marriage, and for an opinion concerning the relationship and what went wrong. Any other information that might be helpful, such as reports from therapists, counselors, or other professionals consulted during the marriage, can also be submitted.