- Knowledge Base
- Frequently Asked Questions
Becoming Catholic
Catholic Schools
Cultural Ministries
Development - Mission Advancement
Evangelical Charity
Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations
Maps & Demographics
Marriage & Family
Natural Family Planning
Parish Care and Sustainability
Sacred Worship
Sharing the Light
Who can answer a question about my pledge or payments?
Who can answer a question about my pledge or payments?
If you have any questions about your CSA pledge or payments, please e-mail or call Donor Services at csa@aod.org or (313) 237-5768.
¿Quién puede contestar a preguntas acerca de mi compromiso o mis pagos?
Si tienes cualquier pregunta sobre tu compromiso o tus pagos al CSA, por favor comunícate o envía un correo electrónico a la Oficina de Servicio al Contribuyente, (313) 237-5768 o csa@aod.org.