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Unleash the Gospel
Jesus Christ makes all things new!
He Himself is at work to renew His Church in the Archdiocese of Detroit.
Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron’s 2017 pastoral letter, Unleash the Gospel, begins with this statement of hope. The letter represents his vision – inspired by the Holy Spirit – of an archdiocese full of joyful missionary disciples and saints united in Jesus. But, this isn’t just a letter – it’s a movement – a movement of the Holy Spirit who is transforming our archdiocese into a missionary diocese. The letter also is a charter for how to best accomplish this work in parishes, families, schools and at Central Services.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I read Unleash the Gospel?
Is Unleash the Gospel a document? An initiative? Both? Something else?
Why did Archbishop Vigneron write this letter?
Is this some sort of membership drive to swell the ranks of the Catholic Church?
How come I haven’t heard about Unleash the Gospel at my parish or school?
What can I do to help unleash the Gospel in the Archdiocese of Detroit?
Was the six-day challenge part of the effort to unleash the Gospel?
Where can I get more information and resources?